Rosa Bil-aksjon 2006

Sammen skal vi kjøpe en bil til Ingrid, og fortsette kampen mot brystkreften!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Da har Rosa Bil-aksjonen fått en offisiell, britisk avlegger! Her er kopi av brevet som i disse dager sendes ut til Bodil Blains venner og kjente i Storbritannia:

Project: Pink Car
JULI 2006
For Ingrid

As many if not most of my daily friends these days are English and I call London my home I decided to make an appeal to all my friends here. I hope you don’t mind me asking for help, but it would mean very much to me if you would support a very close friend of mine who some of you were lucky to meet in our wedding.

Ingrid Wiggen (32) was born and grew up in Molde, Norway, and has lived in Bergen since the early 90s.

In February 2005 Ingrid was diagnosed with breast cancer and unfortunately has recently discovered that the cancer has spread.

Ingrid is the sort of person who is always there for you, everyone who knows her knows that, and now we need to be there for her. Our goal is to make her daily life as convenient and accessible as possible. A car in which she can drive to the hospital would be a huge step towards that.

Due to an accident last year, her car dream was shattered. Her charming, old Saab was no longer fit to drive and Ingrid’s short lived career as a driver came to an end. If she had been fit and well and in full time employment, she could easily have purchased a new car, unfortunately her situation means that she is no longer able to work. She wants to keep as active as possible and pick up her friends at the airport, take an impulse trip to the beach on a hot summer day, or cruise over to her favorite fishing spot out by the ocean.

We cannot fulfill all of Ingrid’s dreams, however, but her dream of having a car is a small step in making her life easier.

Up until 15th July, we will collect as much money as we possibly can and then buy the car we can afford. Ingrid will keep the car until she is declared fit and healthy again. After that we will sell the car, and the money will go to the Norwegian Breast cancer society’s “Pink Ribbon.”

If you are able to make any contribution however large or small it would all be of great help to Ingrid. You will all be acknowledged on the card that we will present to her with the car, and she will be able to see how many people have thought of her and helped out.

As this is not a registered charity you will need to send the money to me and trust me that I will be put it towards buying the car. I will of course acknowledge any donations and keep you informed of the car that is eventually purchased.

I hope to see you soon and thank you.

Please transfer money into
Lloyds TSB
Name on the Account, Mrs. Bodil Blain
Sort Code 30-91-86
Account number: 07418404

Many thanks from Project Pink Car, 2006
By, Bodil Blain, Bodil Kjelstrup, Guro Fostervold,
Irina Lee, Pål Andreas Mæland og Tormod Løvold


  • At 29/6/06 17:48, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Bodil
    Please send Ingrid all our love.
    We hope our contribution will help.
    Tell her we hope to see her in Norway soon!
    Lots of love from Malcolm, Emma and little Joshua

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